Jakarta International Java Jazz Festival 2010

This is just Java Jazz Festival 2010 quotation, this great jazz music event will start today 5th to 7th March 2010 at JI Expo Kemayoran Jakarta Indonesia. This great event will be attend with great jazz musician.

As we know Java Jazz Festival 2010 almost running. Ahead of Jakarta International Java Jazz Festival 2010 which will be held in Jakarta, MJC Band (Medan Jazz Community Band) performance in a public permissibility of Medan on Friday (12 / 2) at Medan Merdeka Walk. MJC Band in appearance demonstrated the ability in playing traditional music with modern music dikolaborasikan that all strung in Batak Sensation.

According to the Chairman of Medan Jazz Community, Dedy F Moningka said MJC band performances featuring musical collaborations and musical hobo jazz. "We want to raise again the traditional music sensation, especially hobo to be featured on the international stage," he said. Meanwhile, Medan Jazz Community Adviser said MJC band is representative of Medan to perform at Java Jazz Festival 2010 in Jakarta.

"Appearance of this band MJC to seek input and expressed a readiness MJC Band perform at the stage of Jakarta International Java Jazz 2010, where the band was recognized from Kiss FM Group," explained Dimardi. MJC band itself consists of 8 musicians who play traditional instruments and modern, the performances were able to make a clicking sound too impressed and lively applause from the audience. In MJC band appearance on stage at around 19:00 Wib that presents several hits songs from 5 ethnic Batak in North Sumatra, the Toba Batak, Karo, Simalungun, Pak-Pak, and Mandailing.

Combined with the overall feel of sensation colaborate hobo and jazz. No lag in the evening attended Pangaribuan Yeppy Romero from Jakarta as well as latin solo musicians, by showing the ability musically. (kpl / rom / riz)

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